Testologiya va bilimlarni baholash

You’ll develop the cultural awareness and critical thinking skills you need to analyze and produce a broad range of discourse in a full spectrum of careers — and to make a difference in whatever you do.



Why Choose this Field

In an increasingly data-driven world, the ability to design, analyze, and interpret tests and assessments is critical for educational, psychological, and organizational contexts. Testology and Knowledge Assessment is a unique and cutting-edge field that combines elements of psychology, education, and data science to evaluate and improve the processes of learning and performance. By choosing this field, students position themselves at the forefront of educational innovation, contributing to the development of fair and effective assessment tools that drive meaningful improvements in teaching and learning outcomes.

Program Description

The Masters in Testology and Knowledge Assessment at Bukhara University of Innovation (BUI) offers an interdisciplinary curriculum that bridges theoretical foundations with practical applications. This program covers a range of topics, including psychometrics, educational measurement, test design and development, statistical analysis, and the use of technology in assessments. Students will engage in rigorous coursework, hands-on projects, and research opportunities that prepare them to become experts in the field. The program is designed to accommodate both full-time students and working professionals, with flexible learning options available.

What Will Students Learn

  •  Psychometrics and Educational Measurement: Students will gain a deep understanding of the principles and practices of measuring psychological and educational constructs, including reliability, validity, and item response theory.
  •  Test Design and Development: Learn the methodologies for designing, developing, and validating various types of assessments, such as standardized tests, performance-based assessments, and formative evaluations.
  •  Statistical Analysis and Data Interpretation: Acquire advanced skills in statistical methods and data analysis techniques essential for interpreting assessment results and conducting educational research.
  •  Technology in Assessment: Explore the role of technology in modern assessment practices, including computer-based testing, online assessments, and the use of artificial intelligence in test administration and scoring.
  •  Ethical and Fair Assessment Practices: Understand the ethical considerations and best practices for ensuring fair and unbiased assessments that cater to diverse populations.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Masters in Testology and Knowledge Assessment program will be well-equipped to pursue a variety of career paths in education, research, and industry. Potential career opportunities include:

  •  Educational Assessment Specialist: Design and implement assessment tools for schools, universities, and educational organizations to measure student learning and performance.
  •  Psychometrician: Develop and validate tests and assessments used in educational, psychological, and organizational settings, ensuring they meet high standards of reliability and validity.
  •  Data Analyst in Education: Analyze assessment data to inform policy decisions, improve educational practices, and contribute to academic research.
  •  Instructional Designer: Create instructional materials and assessments that align with educational standards and enhance student learning experiences.
  •  Consultant: Provide expert advice and services to educational institutions, government agencies, and private organizations on assessment and evaluation practices.

By enrolling in the Masters in Testology and Knowledge Assessment at Bukhara University of Innovation, students will join a community of scholars and practitioners dedicated to advancing the science and practice of assessment, making a significant impact on education and beyond.


Semester 1 Kredit Fan Kodi
Yangi O`zbekiston taraqqiyot
strategiyasida ta`lim tizimidagi islohotlar
Mutaxassislik fanlarini o`qitish 5 MFO`1105


Semester 2KreditFan Kodi
Ilmiy tadqiqot metodologiyasi5ITM1205
Semester 3 Kredit Fan Kodi
Pedagogik o`lchovlarning nazariy asoslari 5 PO`NA1305
Kasbiy ma`naviyat 3 KM1305
Semester 4 Kredit Fan Kodi
Ta’lim sifatini boshqarish 5 TSB1403

Qanday Ariza Berish Kerak?

O‘zingiz haqingizda qisqacha ma’lumot bering, qolganini biz hal qilamiz. Qulay onlayn ariza topshirish vositamizni to‘ldirish atigi 10 daqiqa vaqt oladi.

Arizangizni topshirganingizdan so‘ng, qabul bo‘limi vakili siz bilan bog‘lanadi va jarayonni yakunlashda yordam beradi.

Arizangizni to‘ldirib, qabul bo‘limi vakili bilan bog‘langaningizdan so‘ng, o‘quv jadvalingizni tuzishga tayyor bo‘lasiz.

hujjat topshirish

Kelajakdagi karyerangizga qadam tashlashga tayyormisiz?